Monday, October 20, 2008

Noodler's Ink

I recieved a bottle of ink from Jason for my birthday. It for my Fountain pens which both Jason and I are kinda fans of. Jason very proudly marketed the ink as 'waterproof' and 'bulletproof'. Once dried, it supposingly will never come off!

Being the skeptic, I decided to try a couple of experiments to test the claim.

The experimental setup.

Black = Lousy cheapo PARKER ink

Blue = Fantastic shiokness made-in-the-USA Noodler's ink

After water was splashed across the paper, PARKER smudged like crazy.

NOODLER'S INKS wins round 1.

The harder test.

Pure alcohol is dripped onto the paper. (note wet mark around the word INKS)

PARKER didn't smudge! So it's good with alcohol, but not with water??

NOODLER tragically fails.
Shiokness madeintheUSA my ASS.

Noodler's 1 : Parker 1

Next on DING'S Boliao Experiments.......

*drum roll*

The final showdown between NOODLER'S and PARKER.
The 'BULLETPROOF' claim.

*deep dramatic music*

1 comment:

Sheryl S. said...

I'm not sure from when the "bulletproof" claim came; the Noodler's page on this ink says waterproof and nothing about bulletproof. It is good to know about the lack of alcohol resistance on this ink; thanks for the test.