spot the similarities....
by the way.....have you seen my friend.....fang ming hui
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Penang Bridge Marathon
In case anybody's interested, there's a Penang Bridge Marathon happening on the 16th of Nov. I'm not going for the full, but the half, which according to malaysian mathematics, is 25km.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Musik in October
Lots of great music choices this month as October continues the trend of long awaited comebacks with the Cure returning with 4:13 Dream and the Pretenders with Break Up the Concrete. Melodic rock fans should be on the look out for Keane's Perfect Symmetry and Snow Patrol's A Hundred Million Suns. Other cds to look out for this month are Oasis's Dig Out Your Soul, Ryan Adams & The Cardinals Cardinology, John Legend's Evolver, and The Streets Everything Is Borrowed. And last but certainly not least, we can't forget our favorite metalheads from Australia, AC/DC, with their new album, Black Ice.
Noodler's Ink
I recieved a bottle of ink from Jason for my birthday. It for my Fountain pens which both Jason and I are kinda fans of. Jason very proudly marketed the ink as 'waterproof' and 'bulletproof'. Once dried, it supposingly will never come off!
Being the skeptic, I decided to try a couple of experiments to test the claim.
The experimental setup.
Black = Lousy cheapo PARKER ink
Blue = Fantastic shiokness made-in-the-USA Noodler's ink
After water was splashed across the paper, PARKER smudged like crazy.
NOODLER'S INKS wins round 1.
The harder test.
Pure alcohol is dripped onto the paper. (note wet mark around the word INKS)
PARKER didn't smudge! So it's good with alcohol, but not with water??
NOODLER tragically fails.
Shiokness madeintheUSA my ASS.
Noodler's 1 : Parker 1
Next on DING'S Boliao Experiments.......
*drum roll*
The final showdown between NOODLER'S and PARKER.
The 'BULLETPROOF' claim.
*deep dramatic music*
another 26th, dings
not long after mark tay's birthday celebration, allowing us to have a damn good reason and excuse to meet up, we celebrated tan ru dings birthday.
but being a work week, i was not at hand to observe the entire procession
but when i arrived, seow had already prepared, pre cut and pre foiled a wide variety of land and sea food.
the party went on well at the condo with noise and music making. ding also made us drink shots from the hooters shooter cups he got from the states.
we also had cake that was baked by seow. too bad her meat loaf wasn't time must pre order.
all in all, the party was carried on upstairs as some of the neighbors either wanted to use the pit next at 12 midnight, or were just jealous that we had a life.
but anyway, enjoy the shots. and a happy big 26th birthday to you ding and many more!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Thursday, October 09, 2008
How to prepare Sheesha
Screw the health risks. Here's a video on how to prepare one.
The charcoal burning container looks good eh? Maybe can make one..
Waterpipe smokers are at risk of the same kind of diseases as are caused by cigarette smoking, including cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease and adverse effects during pregnancy.
• Using a waterpipe to smoke tobacco poses a serious potential health hazard to smokers and others exposed to the smoke.
• Sheesha smoke contains high levels of chemicals and poisons, including carbon monoxide, tar and heavy metals.
• Many of these chemicals are known to cause mouth and lung cancers, heart disease, respiratory and other diseases.
• Even though it has passed through water, the levels of toxins in sheesha smoke can be as high or higher than in cigarette smoke.
• Water-pipe smokers may absorb higher concentrations of these chemicals because of higher concentrations in the smoke itself, or because they may smoke for several hours at a time and may inhale moisturized, less irritating smoke more deeply.
• In a sheesha session lasting 60 minutes, a smoker can inhale as much smoke as a cigarette smoker would inhale from 100 – 200 cigarettes.
• Second-hand smoke from sheesha is an extremely harmful mixture of tobacco smoke and smoke from the fuel (charcoal).
• Non smokers, particularly pregnant women, babies, children and the elderly are at risk from breathing in sheesha smoke.
Using a waterpipe to smoke tobacco is NOT a safe alternative to cigarette smoking.
World Health Organisation, TobReg, “Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking: Heath Effects, Research Needs and Recommended Actions by Regulators”. 2005
Kamal Chaouachi, A critique of the WHO TobReg’s “Advisory Note” report entitled: “Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking: Heath Effects,
Research Needs and Recommended Actions by Regulators”. Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine 2006, 5:17 Pam Rees, Directorate of Public Health, 2007
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Life is good in the US of A
Especially if you're a tourist. I can probably imagine myself living in San Francisco if anywhere else. It's really a city with an open mind. And bloody good dressing. And fantabulous cold weather. And fattening food. And and and...
Anyway, I went with Angela, and 3 friends. We went from SF to Las Vegas to LA and back to SF. We had a blast. Here's the highlighted photos.. In & Out Burger. This is bloody fantastic. Screw Macs, or BK or even Carl's Jr. Don't even eat there anymore. This is the shit.
Baseball games! Nobody really watches the damn game. As long as the home team wins, everyone's happy.
Hooters CASINO HOTEL! Imagine hooters girls at the tables. You don't have to imagine actually. See below.
This is the ultimate shit. a giant US flag made out of chains. huge chains. big bad muthafocker chains. This is at the Harley cafe in LV. Obviously.
This is the bellagio. We were trying to look like Ocean's 3. I didn't manage to rip the casino off. They ripped me off for 300 bucks. I gave up after that. So much for being George Clooney
.LA. Home of Hollywood...
& Disneyland!
Our bags when we left US. Mine's the little dark blue one. See it? Look closer........ Yup! That tini little one dwarfed by Angelas'. How does anyone buy so many things?