Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I'm working!

Hey guys, sorry for the absence.. I'm working at Singapore Aerospace Manufacturing now, so kinda not home from 8-6.. and then once i get home.. It's sleeping time! Wat a life.. how the heck do ppl do this for the rest of their fucking lives i have no idea.. (Sorry youwen... hmmm, now actually, i'm not! YOU got yourself into this!!! Muuuahahahah)

Reading that article on stupid singaporeans, i can't help but notice the exact thing @ SAM! I mean, all the employees do their work superbly, no doubt about that.. But their lives are just sooo...

Don't you guys become like that!
Youwen, be a crazy chongsua warrior..
mark take your photos at the wee hours of the nite..
jason be yourself can liao..
angela can also be herself, that's too much liao!
glenn can ALSO be himself! Fuck, we're a bunch of retarded ppl..
KD, write a book on video piracy or something.. I saw something like that in borders the other day.. And the author was Penguin. Admit it! IT was you wasn't it!?!
only left minghui / waiz / joshua! You guys are risky! hahaha.. go do something retarded. like shave your head or something. heh heh heh...

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