It seems the only way to get 'real' news nowadays is to go straight to the source. Here's some of news & photos taken by the people on the ground.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Underground news from Burma
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
haha.. funny comic..
it's been a while since i've heard anything about BF.. so here ya go fella's... it also disses gears of war...
oh, and warhammer too.. =)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Beer on the beach & Snacks on the sand..
In case you're free on that day, and you wanna get some laughs, head down to sentosa and watch us play! In the team - Leon, Chris Han Jin Yuan, Vegetables, Mark Tay Yew Liang, me, LC, Penny & Stef (David's gf). We're gonna get creamed, but.......... We plan to win in other ways, like we got a damn good 'the-shitz' team name! Walla Walla Bing Bam Boom!! And you know us.. There'll be beer on the beach, and snacks on the sand.. seeya there!
Date & Venue: 6th October 2007 Siloso Beach(Between Cafe Del Mar and Sapphire Hall)
Time: 10am (Start of first game) - 6pm (Final)
Friday, September 21, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
A tale involving a pengiun & a girl!
Quote: "KD is called squatter yeo cos he spent alot of time in P's room during the exams."
Way to go K!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Journalism @ it's best!
Check this out... From one of the 2 National Malaysian newspapers.
WOI! You think it's easy being a taxi driver, ah?
2007 New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad.
You think anyone grows up with an ambition to drive a taxi? Oh yeah, sure, got parents out there say to their kid: "Son, I want you to be a taxi driver when you grow up. It is a noble profession. Promise me you won't disappoint your mother and me by becoming an accountant."
So how about some sympathy for us taxi drivers? See how we have to work. Would you want to drive the cars we drive? For us, the Proton Saga is our means of livelihood. For you, it's a punchline. Oh, so you want to complain the windows can't open and the air-con doesn't work. What about me? I have to sit in this thing all day!
Go ahead. Call LPKP. There's the number. Call! Make report. See if I care. Their air-con also not working, and if their windows could open they'd all jump out.
We are completely unappreciated for the service we provide. Of course, you don't want to drive your own car in this mess. See how much you paid for it. You want some pride and satisfaction from owning and driving your car, right? Well, you're not going to get it in KL at 1pm on a Saturday. Look at your paintjob. Look at mine. Which one of us would hurt more if we had a scrape? I'll give you a hint: Not me.
Why should I care? It's not even my car. It belongs to the company. I rent it from them for RM40 a day. I have to make 10 trips just to cover the rent. They might let me have it after seven years, but by then I'll have to pay a scrap dealer to tow it away.
I've been trying to get a permit for myself, but you know how it is. The LPKP boss said if they gave out permits to individual drivers, we'd just do as we please and work when we like. Maybe some days we wouldn't drive at all. Well, maybe we wouldn't. Maybe I'd just like to sit quietly at home and watch my children starve to death.
But I tell you, if this were my own taxi it wouldn't smell of urine and vomit.
Maybe if you didn't have a car you'd appreciate us more. It's either us or the bus, then. Heh, heh. Some choice, huh? Sure, now got LRT and Putra and KTM Komuter, but to get to their stations you still need us or the bus. If you don't mind waiting, wait for the bus. They're better now than before, or so I'm told. They're still pau to me.
Or you could try to flag me down. If I'm in the mood, I might pull over for you. Just don't give me any lip about the fare. See that number on this meter? It says "002.00". That means two ringgit. TWO! I dare you, go into that 7-Eleven over there and see what you can get for RM2. Don't bother, I'll tell you. A packet of kacang. Peanuts, that's what RM2 is! And not even a drink to wash them down with.
A taxi ride costs more in Bangalore, Beijing and Budapest than here. If I could make what London cabbies charge, I'd retire to Country Heights and spend the rest of my life writing letters to the editor protesting the killing of monkeys and pigs. Ah, a 50-ringgit flagfall! That would be the good life.
But nooooo, all we're asking for is a four-ringgit flagfall, bringing us to 30 per cent cheaper than Hong Kong, so I can have a drink of water with my kacang, and all hell's breaking loose on our heads. A 100 per cent rise, they protest! Daylight robbery! Look here, 100 per cent of nothing is...? Correct! How about a little perspective on this issue?
Oh, but we don't deserve it, you say. We're a bunch of crooks. We don't use meters. We haggle. We're rude and smelly. (Like you wouldn't be if you did what we do.) We rip off tourists. (Look, if you-all didn't tell them, would they know? I triple my fare also these Arabs think it's cheap. Come on, show some solidarity. We fellow Malaysians should help each other. It's good for national unity. Close one eye, lah.)
Besides, you won't let us charge more legitimately, so what does anyone expect? Don't want to upset the voters, izzit? Excuse me, we're voters, too. Why isn't anyone fishing for my vote? Don't need it, izzit? So don't mind me if I don't bother with your legislation.
Oh you poortings, you can't afford it, izzit? Yes, I understand what it's like to have no money. I understand you have no alternatives between us and the bus. I understand life sucks. This is a world of suffering. Why do you suppose I have so much religious iconography stuck to my dashboard, members of certain communities won't even get into my cab?
Oh, I know suffering. And I'll make sure when you get into my cab, so will you. But it'll be up to me whether you get in or not, savvy? Leaving you standing by the roadside in the rain is my prerogative. Determining my own destiny by screwing up yours is the last shred of human dignity I have.
I have to exercise discretion, you understand. We both know there are some seriously psychotic people out there waiting for taxis. One time, I decided to ignore this frantically waving foreigner (he must have been a foreigner because he was, like, eight feet tall and wearing a hat) and boy did he get mad. He came running out into the road and tried to kick my car! I had to swerve to avoid him. Nearly caused an accident.
Oh. That was you, wazzit? Wow. What a small world. Heh, heh. Sorry, ah, uncle. What to do, life is so hard.
Best things abt this article:
1. It's not even in the 'opinion' section. It's in >>Prime News
2. It's quite a respectable newspaper. Think Straits Times in Singapore.
3. The editors actually allowed it to be published!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Protest in Singapore! Cool......
SINGAPORE, Sept 6 - Singaporeans have started a rare protest against the government's pension reform plans with an online petition and a planned public protest action.
An online petition against the pensions reform had drawn nearly 600 online signatures as of Thursday, while on Saturday, activists will test Singapore's ban on demonstrations by staging a symbolic "black T-shirt" protest at a popular downtown mall.
Any public protest is rare in Singapore, where all outdoor demonstrations are banned and any public gathering of more than four people requires a permit.
The protest takes aim at plans to make it mandatory for all Singaporeans under the age of 50 to buy annuities and which would impose restrictions on how pension savings are invested.
"People are quite unhappy, partly about way the announcements about the pension reforms were made," political commentator Leong Sze Hian told Reuters.
Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced the pension reform in his National Day speech last month, saying there was no choice as "people are living longer".
To cope with a rapidly ageing population, the government is upping the retirement age from 62 years to 65 years by 2015, and up to 67 beyond that.
In recent weeks, government ministers have talked about several planned changes to the Central Provident Fund , a mandatory retirement savings scheme for all Singaporeans that pays a lump sum upon retirement and can be used to pay for flats.
"There is concern, but the public ought to wait for more specific details on the changes, to be out later this month," Member of Parliament Halimah Yaacob told Reuters.
Singaporeans have turned increasingly to cyberspace as an outlet for their dissatisfaction.
The latest petition -- on -- has drawn 580 signatures over two weeks. In the past two years, petitions against a pay-and-perks scandal at a national charity and against the introduction of casino gambling drew thousands of signatures.
Saturday's protest -- announced on political blogs and online forums -- is set to test Singapore's limits on freedom of assembly, as organisers merely suggest participants turn up at 4 p.m. at the Centrepoint mall, dressed "partly" in black.
Law student and online activist Choo Zheng Xi told Reuters he does not expect a strong turn-out, as other small-scale protest actions in the past months have drawn a massive police presence as well as plainsclothes policemen filming protesters.
Sign the petition here!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Decepticon Spotted!!! - Watch more free videos
The Decepticon, Blackout, spotted at an airshow.
One more way to change a light bulb
Ding, can your factory mass produce this? Sure makes for a great wedding present.
For the electrically incline, technical details here.
Marathon Training #2
Perhaps the first point to look at is to choose a marathon training program that reduces the risk of you developing an injury. The reason for this is that when you first start training for you marathon is that initially you will be all excited and will just want to get lots of miles into your legs. There is nothing wrong with wanting to just go out and start training like that, however if you do too many miles in your first 1-2 weeks then you are likely to develop an injury.
The reason for this is that when you push your body physically then you develop tiny tears in your muscle fibers. This is normal. When the tears in your muscle then heal, they add bulk to the muscle and this is how muscle tissue develops. However, when you push your training too hard, then the muscles can tear too much and this is when you become injured.
That is why you should follow a marathon training program that slowly increases your weekly mileage by no more than 10% each week. If you do develop an injury then not only will you disrupt your marathon preparation but you will also be more likely to develop the same injury in the future as your training distance increases and you place more strain on your body.
Once you find a marathon training program that works for you, then the next thing to do is have the dedication to follow it through. If you are like most people you will not want to train when the weather conditions are poor. For example, if it is raining outside and blowing a gale then you will need that commitment to go out and train.
The reason for training in all weather conditions is that you will not know what the conditions will be like on your race day. If the weather during your marathon race is rain and gale-force winds and you have trained during these conditions then you will know what it is like to compete in these conditions. You will know that your shoes will feel heavy as they become saturated. You will know that it feels difficult to run into the wind and that it effects your performance. And you will know that you can get wind chill in these conditions.
You do not want any surprises during your marathon race and that is why it is important to follow through on your marathon training program despite poor weather conditions.
When following a marathon training program you should also make sure that it includes days that allow your body to rest. For example, if you just went out and did long training sessions, then your body will start to feel fatigued during the week. This will not allow you to train at your optimum because you will be feeling lethargic. That is why it is important to follow a marathon training program that also has a semi-long run during the week and a few shorter training sessions.
Your marathon training program should also include two rest days that allow your body to recover. You could also experiment with having a cross-training day in your weekly sessions. Cross-training includes activities such as swimming and cycling. The great thing about cross-training is that it is similar to having a rest day. The reason for this is that even though you are getting the fitness into your system by increasing your heart rate, you are using different muscle groups from when you are training. Cross-training therefore decreases the risk of you developing over-use injuries.
Farewell email from an accountant @ Ernst&Young
Subject: Im outta here ..... ;.)
My leaving letter:
Dear Co-Workers,
As many of you probably know, tommorw is my last day. But before I leave, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know what a great and distinct pleasure it has been to type "Tommorow is my last day."
For nearly as long as I've worked here, I've hoped that I might one day leave this company. And now that this dream has become a reality, please know that I could not have reached this goal without your unending lack of support. Words cannot express my gratitude for the words of gratitude you did not express.
I would especially like to thank all of my managers: in an age where miscommunication is all too common, you consistently impressed and inspired me with the sheer magnitude of your misinformation. It takes a strong man to admit his mistake - it takes a stronger man to attribute his mistake to me.
Over the year and a half, you have taught me more than I could ever ask for and, in most cases, ever did ask for. I have been fortunate enough to work with some absolutely interchangeable supervisors on a wide variety of seemingly identical projects - an invaluable lesson in overcoming daily tedium in overcoming daily tedium in overcoming daily tedium. Your demands were high and your patience short, but I take great solace knowing that my work was, as stated on my annual review, "mostly satisfactory." That is the type of praise that sends a man home happy after even a 10 hour day, smiling his way through half a bottle of mostly satisfactory scotch.
And to most of my peers: even though we barely acknowledged each other within these office walls, I hope that in the future, should we pass on the street, you will regard me the same way as I regard you: sans eye contact.
But to those few souls with whom I've actually interacted, here are my personalized notes of farewell:
To Caulfield: I will always remember sharing lunch with you, despite having clearly labeled it with my name.
To Mairead: I will miss detecting your flatulence as much as you will clearly miss walking past my cubicle to deliver it.
To Linda: Best wishes on your ongoing campaign to popularize these "email forwards." I sincerely hope you receive that weekend full of good luck, that hug from an old friend, and that baby for your dusty womb.
And finally, to Kat: you were right - I tested positive. We'll talk later.
So, in parting, if I could pass on any word of advice to the individual who will soon be filling my position, it would be to cherish this experience like a sponge and soak it up like a good woman, because a job opportunity like this comes along only once in a lifetime.
Meaning: if I had to work here again in this lifetime, I would sooner kill myself.
Very truly yours,
Cian Kelliher
What Champions are made of...
SINGAPORE: An armed SAF National Serviceman was caught in Orchard Road at 8pm on Monday, 19 hours after he had gone missing from camp.
Police said the 20-year-old went missing at 11.59pm on Sunday from the Mandai Hill Camp, with a rifle and some ammunition issued by the army.
200 officers mounted a manhunt and police found him near Orchard Cineleisure. They also recovered the missing rifle and ammunition and will investigate the case under the Arm Offences Act. The Ministry of Defence has identified the NSman as Corporal Dave Teo Ming.
Mindef said he had been given the rifle and ammunition for guard duty.
He is an infantry rifleman from the First Battalion at the Singapore Infantry Regiment.
Corporal Teo was enlisted in the army in September 2005 and will finish his national service with the army next month.
Can't you just wait for a *little* while dude???