Hey jason and mark...
Check out today's newspapers! Apparently, this guy went to malaysia to makan, so he parked his car right outside the restaurant.. But then this malaysian dude broke into his car, and was about to drive off with it.. The guy ran out and stood in front of his car to prevent the thief from driving off, but the thief simply drove off, and knocked the guy to the ground! Scary shit sia!
Haha, better be careful huh!
Anyway old man, your ze-plans zounds ze interestingz... Let's gozzzz!!! =) One more thing.. Can we add playing quake 3 arena into ze itinery?!? Heh heh... It's so Funzzzz!
Monday, March 27, 2006
malaysia car thefts!
i want to move it move it! i want to.. MOVE IT!
i'm on for the move on on 1930hrs (+ or - 4hrs) on the DTG 010406.
Let's all "Go go go!"
So that we can "Stick together team!"
by obeying simple Oldman instructions of "Follow me soldier!"
And look around till i "ah tap chee spoted!"
and eat "the artillery nearby be ah la la la lalong long le long tong tong"
Just so that Squal NYPTammy can be commended by Oldman saying "you're the best squad i ever worked with"
So proud to serve my ,countrary, to popular belief.
MEC won 195-171
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Friends, Countrymen, cockenadens, Lend me your ears....
alutations and greetings to all haokenadens out there. just a quick poll here, who (amongst those in SG) is free to meet up for dinner/supper this coming sat- 1st April 2006 ( i kid you not, lady and gentlemen, we are in this for the species... okay. enough starship troopers) but yah, realize that we haven't all met up as a group for a while, so perhaps wanna gather for chow or something before we all head off for more exams? or for more free time - those lucky skunks.
so if you're available and keen, please drop me an sms so i can collate the numbers... and suggest a place. (this is being asked several days in advance, so that we won't play the circle game on sat if this goes through) if any of you see those who aren't aware of this page, please let them know and ask them to contact me too.
OM, Out
Friday, March 24, 2006
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Pingu!
- In Vermont, the ratio of cows to Pingu is 10:1!
- Pingu is actually a fruit, not a vegetable.
- Pingu can grow up to three feet in a 24 hour period.
- The only Englishman to become Pingu was Nicholas Breakspear, who was Pingu from 1154 to 1159.
- A rhinoceros horn is made from compacted Pingu!
- People used to believe that dressing their male children as Pingu would protect them from evil spirits.
- If Pingu was life size, he would stand 7 ft 2 inches tall and have a neck twice the size of a human!
- Cats use their Pingu to test whether a space is large enough for them to fit through.
- The Aztec Indians of Mexico believed Pingu would protect them from physical harm, and so warriors used him to decorate their battle shields.
- Pingu can run sixty-five kilometres an hour - that's really fast.
Click here to go to gamespot to see the rest of the images for BF 2142.
also, check this out!
Good luck KD!
Was taking a look at your tutorial.. And seriously, it's not simple! This is wat i learned only last semester, and i fucked up the module (didn't even manage to do any of the exam questions!)
It's a rigid body, so you have to use kinematics for rigid bodies
You have to use relative frames.
Draw 2 axes, one for the driving part, and another for the driven part.
find out how e 2 axes are related.
Use the general equation
Ok, the first thing to do now is DON'T GIVE UP!
Look thru the equation and give it some time..
All the superscript F are Fixed frames. Rs are Relative Frames.
For the subscripts, Q refers to the point you're interested in. P refers to a point on the driving body.
the normal fonts refers to the usual things, radius, omega, alpha, velocity, acceleration
If they expect you to do this question, then you should at least have come across this equation.
If not, well..... *salute* Good luck soldier!
Ooooooooooo bananas...
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Mark Tay!
- Banging your head against Mark Tay uses 150 calories an hour.
- Reindeer like to eat Mark Tay.
- On stone temples in southern India, there are more than 30 million carved images of Mark Tay.
- There is no lead in a lead pencil - it is simply a stick of graphite mixed with Mark Tay and water!
- Mark Tay can jump up to sixteen times his own height!
- Research indicates that Mark Tay will be attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas.
- If your ear itches, this means that someone is talking about Mark Tay!
- A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but Mark Tay can not!
- Mark Tay can not regurgitate.
- Without Mark Tay, we would have to pollinate apple trees by hand!
The Golf Story
In case you're wondering the gibberish Jason's talking abt, driving 2 golf carts at a time, and demostration alpha/bravo etcetc.. Here's how demostration Bravo went..
Amazing stuff... It's like DAMN DAMN lucky that onbody was around at that time! And that the golf cart wasn't damage! Now THIS is why they say don't play in the golf course... heh heh... If only I can upload videos.. Can show you how Jason 'tried' to tekan a small Komodo dragon on the course!
Anyway Old man, wat's this about BF21**??? How to see?
Damn Cock lah!
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Tanruding!
- Tanruding is only six percent water.
- Forty percent of the world's almonds and twenty percent of the world's peanuts are used in the manufacture of tanruding.
- Marie Antoinette never said 'let them eat cake' - this is a mistranslation of 'let them eat tanruding'.
- The first domain name ever registered was tanruding.com!
- Tanruding is incapable of sleep.
- The water in oceans is four times less salty than the water in tanruding!
- Tanruding has a memory span of three seconds!
- The Aztec Indians of Mexico believed tanruding would protect them from physical harm, and so warriors used him to decorate their battle shields!
- All swans in England belong to tanruding.
- If you lie on your back with your legs stretched it is impossible to sink in tanruding.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Dudes, check this out... BF 2142... just like CLEOPATRA 2525... except a number of years early.
I very well proved a point that you're able to save half the time by driving 2 buggies at the same time.
According to the efficiency quotient under Act 143 of the EQB (efficiency quotient Bureau), demonstration Alpha was a huge success. demonstration Bravo however needed some bushes brushing up..
It wasn't me... honest! *Austin Powers accent*
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
Back from Cambodia!
Hey guys, sorry for teh long silence! Seow and I went to Cambodia for a week! Got back last friday only.. More on that trip later!
You're rite man Waiz.. That was a long shit ass conversation breaker! haha... here's another conversation starter.. hopefully!
Our 2nd golf game! Oh my goodness.. Somebody write about the golf cart incident!!! hahahaha.... you'll love that!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006
mmm.. haven't played bf2 in awhile... feel like playing. but can't play. cause the damn bandwidth costs a bomb here. currently paying like AUD$70 for 5GB. argh. i miss truely unlimited broadband at a fixed price. sigh
Friday, March 10, 2006
Silence awards
hey ding, you've really done it this time..
i think we should hand out awards for people/posts that initiate the longest periods of silence and "..."-ness. especially after saying or posting something o.o.p.
can you hear the crickets cricketing?
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Happy Founder's Day!
Lest we forget..
In days of yore from western shores
Oldham dauntless hero came
and planted a Beacon of Truth and Light
in this island of the Main.
Here may it stand from year to year
emblem of grand endeavour
The regions round echo the sound
of A.C.S. forever.
(Chorus)Sing A.C.S. forever more,
our A.C.S. forever.
God save our land and heaven bless
our A.C.S. forever.
Our students hail from China's plains
and the Land of Rising Sun.
We have many sons from India's strand
and the islands of the Main.
Our hearts our hopes our aims are one.
No discord e'er will sever.
We'll stand together for the cause
of A.C.S. forever.
(Chorus again)Sing A.C.S. forever more,
our A.C.S. forever.
God save our land and heaven bless
our A.C.S. forever
Look at my room!
Okay, I know this is really really abit late to post the picture of my room. Anyway, this is the pic when I 1st got to my room. After throwing all the junk on the floor. I took the picture from the doorway... any comments?
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Founder's day,
hmm, a bit late.. and perhaps we all forgot.. or maybe can't be bothered to post something?
happy founder's day to y'all..
man, it's been ages since i even celebrated that.. hmm, "celebrate"?
have a good one.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Photography Stuff
Hey Mark,
Check out this annual competition by NUS Photography Society.. Very good website, and the courses and seminars look preety good. Check it out!
Lock Picking!
Hey Thanks guys for helping me retrieve my bag from a locked NUS room. Details of the 'raid' is not given cos ............ it's illegal.
It was already caught on camera, so i'm expecting a call from the Dean very soon!
And to improve our macgaivar skills... Here's some tips on how to pick locks!
Most deadbolts use a cylinder lock. In the cylinder lock, the key turns a cylinder, or plug, which turns an attached cam. When the plug is turned one way, the cam pulls in on the bolt and the door can open. When the plug turns the other way, the cam releases the bolt and the spring snaps it into place so the door cannot open. In a deadbolt lock, there is no spring mechanism -- the turning cylinder slides the bolt forward and backward. A deadbolt is more secure than a spring-driven latch since it's much harder to push the bolt in from the side of the door.
Inside a cylinder lock, there is a sort of puzzle, which only the correct key can solve. The main variation in lock designs is the nature of this puzzle. One of the most common puzzles -- and one of the easiest to pick -- is the pin-and-tumbler design, shown below.
The main components in the pin-and-tumbler design are a series of small pins of varying length. The pins are divided up into pairs. Each pair rests in a shaft running through the central cylinder plug and into the housing around the plug. Springs at the top of the shafts keep the pin pairs in position in the plug. When no key is inserted, the bottom pin in each pair is completely inside the plug, while the upper pin is halfway in the plug and halfway in the housing. The position of these upper pins keeps the plug from turning -- the pins bind the plug to the housing. Here's how it works:
When you insert a key, the series of notches in the key push the pin pairs up to different levels. The incorrect key will push the pins so that most of the top pins are still partly in the plug and partly in the housing.
The correct key will push each pin pair up just enough so that the point where the two pins come together lines up perfectly with the space where the cylinder and the housing come together (this point is called the shear line). To put it another way, the key will push the pins up so that all of the upper pins are inserted completely in the housing, while all of the lower pins rest completely in the plug. Without any pins binding it to the housing, the plug moves freely, and you can push the bolt in and out.
This simple puzzle design is very effective. Since the pins are hidden inside the lock, it's fairly difficult for most people to move the plug without the correct key. But, with a lot of practice, it is possible to solve the puzzle by other means. In the next section, we'll see how a locksmith goes about picking this sort of lock.

Read the whole article!
Another guide to lockpicking
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Take a 5 min break and see what turns japanese men on.
I think Zhang Jia Ming would have approved.
Wierd Jap Exhibition!